What is PBS CAS?
PBS CAS launched in 2013.  PBS CAS is a web-based portal which allows the sharing of program and trafficking data throughout the public television system.

Browser Requirements

What operating systems does CAS support?

MAC OS 9.2+ and Windows 98+.

Are there any special settings I should set my browser at to use PBS CAS?

To use PBS CAS, your browser should be able to accept cookies.

What browsers does CAS support?



Who can access PBS CAS?
PBS CAS is accessible to all PBS Employees, Program Producers and Program Distributors.

How do I gain access to PBS CAS?
Distributors Please request a new account via the Sign Up link at  Producers associated with a PBS member station: Please request a new account via the Sign Up link at  Producers not associated with a PBS member station (independent producers): Please send your access request to the Program Associate you usually work with for approval.

How do I change my password?

Help & Support

I have a question about a program I am producing/working on. Who do I contact?

Please contact the Program Associate or Broadcast Operations member that you have been working with. He/She will be able to provide you with further assistance.

Who do I contact for technical problems?

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please send an email to your assigned PBS Program Associate.

I received an error message indicating my session has timed out.
For security reasons, PBS CAS times out after 60 minutes of idle time.  This precaution is taken so that an unauthorized person cannot use PBS CAS if you happen to leave the system open on your desktop.    If you receive the session timeout message, close your browser window and log in to PBS CAS again or click on the PBS CAS logo in the upper left corner of the page to reactivate your session.


How do I ensure that the appropriate members at PBS receive my information?

Producers and distributors will never need to specify who at PBS should receive their program information.  PBS handles all internal alert recipients and work flow processes.

How do I ensure that I receive the appropriate program information for the form I complete (Format Sheet, Visual Arts Cue Sheet, UCC, etc.)?

Members of your organization specify who at your organization will receive certain pieces of information.  Please contact the member of your organization who requests a new program record to be created from PBS.

When requesting a new program, PBS CAS requires me to select an Alert Recipient for the Program Acceptance Agreement and Format Sheet, but there are no users listed in the look-up utility.

No alert recipients are listed in the look-up utility if you are the only user at your organization that has access to PBS CAS.  Only users at your organization who access PBS CAS and have a PBS Connect account will be listed.  If no other user at your organization should have access to CAS, please select yourself as being the alert recipient for the required forms.  If other users at your organization should have access to PBS CAS, please refer to the Accounts section.


How do I search for program information?
There are three ways to locate program information. Search by NOLA If you know the program’s NOLA code, please enter it in the Search by NOLA box at the top of the PBS CAS homepage. You may enter only the NOLA root (i.e. ABCD), the NOLA root and episode number (i.e. ABCD001001, ABCD1001, ABCD 001001, or ABCD 1001) or the NOLA root, episode number, and version subscript (i.e. ABCD001001K, ABCD1001K, ABCD 001001K, or ABCD 1001K). Search by Series/Program Title If you know the full or partial title of the program, please enter it in the Search by Series/Program Title box above the Alert Messages area on the PBS CAS homepage. You may also specify which season the program belongs to. Advanced Search If you would like to specify additional criteria for your search, please click the Perform Advanced Search link under Related Tasks on the PBS CAS homepage. On the Advanced Search page, you have the ability to specify the following criteria:

Series/Program Title
Episode Title
Primary Presenter
Primary Producer
Original Broadcast Date Range
Search Previous Titles?