• Keywords Redirects
  • Search will now crawl Discussion Forums
  • Search crawl will now include content metadata

    Search Related
  • Improved search User Interface and functionality
  • myPBS will present the top 3 dimension searches for Top Picks so that users can refine their search.
  • Improved Search relevancy algorithm
  • Search result facets are now sorted in order of most results and not in alphabetical order
  • Improved Best Bets
  • Optimized searched
  • Improved search baseline and indexing
    User Interface related
  • myPBS reading pane has been expanded to 1024px and font size to 16px for improved user experience. Page headers will no longer extend through the reading pane.

  • Searching for keyword T&O wasn’t returning any results
  • Instant Messenger function has been removed from the site as it has no longer being used
  • Old text was servicing in one of the RSS email notification footer section has been removed
  • Text was running outside of the reading pane causing issues for users to read it
  • NOLA search is now returning only matching results
  • Users will be now able to click and expand advisory on any Advisories page so they can see the advisory details
  • Improved Search Error handling
  • Search results were returning topic filters not relevant to the search results
  • No type error will be displayed when keyword search doesn’t return any value
  • No java scripts will be indexed by the search engine
  • Filters will no longer get removed when changing the number of the result page
  • No empty page will be displayed on the search results
