Topics Discussed

  • (David) Explore normalizing the field names and tag labels 
  • (Ingrid) Will submit a CR: PBS and PBSd agreed to change the deal status workflow
    (Rachelle) Discussed if we should require a deal to be placed into 'in revision' to edit it or work to collectively define the meaning of each deal status.
  • (Poonam) Will setup meeting to inventory all the re-up meetings
  • (Lauren's team) To mitigate (ticket the team will use the "new deal" workaround process to ensure packages are created for new catalogs.
    1. User creates new deal
    2. User creates new season
    3. User associates new season to new deal
    4. User sets season status to 'ready for scheduling'
    5. Once records show up in BV, user associates new season to migrated deal
    6. user deletes new deal
    7. user associates new season to migrated deal
    8. User creates an active rights record on the migrated deal
  • (Ingrid)  Will submit a CR to add new attachment/upload types.
  • (Rachelle) Offered to have daily standup with any team to support their learning how to use RL