PBS Program Offer Updates

PBS Programming Offers: As a program offer manager, I want to eliminate duplicate funders that appear in some long-running shows so that I can issue a correctly formatted program offer.

PBS Programming Offers: As a program offer manager, I want to only deliver to Member Stations the rights that are pertinent to Member Station distribution: broadcast, digital multicast and school off-air recording.

PBS On-Air Fundraising Offers: As an on-air fundraising team member, I want to include Premium Offer information in a separate, labeled area of the program offer, so that I can give Member Station colleagues clear information about what tools are available to support their pledge drive. 

Advisories Beta View Update

As the Public Broadcasting Service, I want to make sure that the Advisories Beta View reflects the new Brand Package by the close of November 2020, so that I can present a unified representation of the PBS Brand.