Media Inventory Status


BroadView maintains a media status at the Media Inventory and at the Version (Package/Traffic Item Version) level. The following tables outline the different status values and the progression through the states.


Media Inventory Media Status:

The following describes the Media Status values that can be associated with the tape-based Media Inventories.

Media Status


Next Media Status(es) 

Awaiting Media

The initial state. Source media has not been checked into the Media Library. 

Awaiting Media

Digitize Media

Source tapes have arrived and the Media is being digitized. 

Awaiting Avid Mob 

Awaiting Avid Mob 

Source media has been checked into the library, but no PFS Media Arrival message has been received. 

Search / Link Mob 

Search / Link Mob 

PFS Media Arrival message has been received. The system is searching for Mob in BV_Edit 

Media Arrived

Media Arrived

Media Arrived Mob has been found and moved to BroadView catalog

Ready For Work 

Ready For Work 

Transitory state telling the system that the MI is ready for Ingest. 

Creating Avid Mob 

Creating Avid Mob 

 Indicates the system is creating the required composition mob (sequence) in avid. 

On Work List 

On Work List 

Indicates that all Avid structures have been created and BizTalk Ingest Message has been sent. 

Work in Progress  Waiting for MTR / ARN Impaired Ready For Use 

Work in Progress  

Indicates that the system received a BizTalk message indicating that the work on the MI was in progress. 

Waiting for MTR / ARN Impaired Ready for Use

Waiting for MTR / ARN 

Indicated that the system received a “containerize” message and that one or more of the cuts require further evaluation. The system will wait for the arrival of the appropriate CutMTR message before it progresses. 

On Work ListWork In Progress


The system received a “failed” ingest message.


Ready for Use

The system received a “success” ingest 


The following describes the Media Status values that can be associated with the file-based Media Inventories

Media Status


Next Media Status(es) 

Awaiting Media


Awaiting Avid Mob 

This is the initial state. Source media has been checked into the library, but no PFS Media Arrival message has been received. 

Search / Link Mob 

Search / Link Mob 

PFS Media Arrival message has been received. The system is searching for Mob in BV_Edit  catalog in AVid.

Media Arrived

Media Arrived

Media Arrived Mob has been found and moved to BroadView catalog

Ready For Work 

Ready For Work 

Transitory state telling the system that the MI is ready for Ingest. 

Creating Avid Mob 

Creating Avid Mob 

 Indicates the system is creating the required composition mob (sequence) in avid. 

On Work List 

On Work List 

Indicates that all Avid structures have been created and BizTalk Ingest Message has been sent. 

Work in Progress  Waiting for MTR / ARN Impaired Ready For Use 

Work in Progress  

Indicates that the system received a BizTalk message indicating that the work on the MI was in progress. 

Waiting for MTR / ARN Impaired Ready for Use

Waiting for MTR / ARN 

Indicated that the system received a “containerize” message and that one or more of the cuts require further evaluation. The system will wait for the arrival of the appropriate CutMTR message before it progresses. 

On Work ListWork In Progress


The system received a “failed” ingest message.


Ready for Use

The system received a “success” ingest 



Package/Traffic Item Version Media Status

Package Media Status Progression for Flattening Workflow:

Package Media Status



Next Status

Awaiting Media

Source Media has not arrived

User: Check in
source media (MI)
 into library.

Media Arrived

Media Arrived

Indicates that all the source media has been checked into the Media Library

System: All MI Revisions are RFU

Ready for Work

Indicates that the related MI Revisions Media is ready

User: Generate Flattening List

On Work List

Flattening list has been created and an MSMQ message has been sent to BizTalk (ScheduAll).

It is a this status that the particular Package/Traffic Item Version is ready/eligible to be Flattened, and should have a Work Order for Flattening in ScheduAll.

Case #1 - System: Receive “Work in Progress” MSMQ message

Case #2 - System: Receive “Success” MSMQ message

Case #3 - System: Receive “Fail” MSMQ message

Case #1 - Work In Progress

Case #2 - Ready For Use

Case #3 - Impaired

Work In Progress

OPTIONAL: This status is set if BroadView received a “work in progress” message from ScheduAll.

Case #1 - System: Receive “Success” MSMQ message

Case #2 - System: Receive “Fail” MSMQ message

Case #1 - Ready For Use

Case #2 - Impaired

Ready For Use

The media has been successfully flattened.


Package media process was not completed successfully.