PROCEDURE #1: Finding Producer and Feed Distributor in Broadview on the Deal


  1. Open the Deal Module by clicking the ‘Deal’ button on the main ribbon.
  2. Search for the deal and hit ‘Apply’
    1. In this instance, we’re searching by the Description for “The Vote: American Experience”
  3. Navigate to the ‘PBS Additional’ tab. The Producer information and Copyright Holder is at the bottom. Feed Distributor is above it:

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PROCEDURE #2: Finding Air Dates and Feed Distributor for an Episode on the Program Item


  1. Open the Program Item Module
  2. Search for the desired Episode
    1. In this case we’re searching for “The Vote, Part 1” by using the NOLA “AMEX  003209”
  3. Navigate to the ‘PBS Additional’ tab. The Feed Distributor is on the left hand side.

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  1. On the top ribbon of the Program Item Window in the Record view, click ‘Actions’ tab
  2. Click the ‘View Air Dates’ Button A screenshot of a computer

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  3. A window will popup with the air dates for this show.
    1. Note that this is when PBS broadcasts the episodes to stations, not when stations show it to viewers.

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