What does the Source contain?

PBS Marketing, Communications, Digital, Education, and Development assets that cover General Audience, KIDS, Pledge, and Plus programming, Brand, Passport, Social Media, and Digital Studios. Here are some of the asset types you can expect to find here:

  • Video: promos, filler, clips (raw and show lifts), animations, and presentations.
  • Image/Graphics: print ads, program guide covers, eCards, postcards, logos, infographics, social graphics, toolkits, banners, and images.
  • Documents: instructions, research, paid media plans, lesson plans, activity sheets, brochures, priority designations and radio scripts.

What is the Source?

The Source is the digital asset library for PBS assets across various areas such as Marketing, Communication, Digital, and Development. With hundreds of new video, print, and social assets uploaded each week, the Source is the place to find the latest assets and resources from PBS. Users can run basic and advanced searches, browse featured collections, download, transcode, zip, share, and reference key metadata.

What is the difference between the Source, myPBS, Pressroom and FTP?


myPBS is the home for news and announcements regarding new promotional assets and more. Follow content areas of interest to you in order to see updates. Most Marketing and Communication updates are posted under “Announcements”.
Contact: or visit the support portal:

PBS PressRoom:

PressRoom is the primary source for PBS publicity materials including photos, press releases, bios and streaming full length episodes. Member stations are welcome to register to get access ( Plans are underway to include all photos and press releases in the Source by Summer 2017, and announcements will be made when this is complete.

The Source:

The Source is the newest member of PBS, focused on asset management and distribution. The Source replaced the Stations FTP and others in order to centralize thousands of assets, provide critical metadata such as rights information, introduce the ability to search in various degrees of specificity, and


The Source replaced the Stations FTP altogether. The Spot Exchange FTP is back to its original purpose as a station resource to exchange promos with each other. We are currently working on an enhancement to the Source to replace the Spot Exchange FTP to allow stations to share assets in the Source in a dedicated space. We hope to have this complete by August 2017.

How can I find new assets as they become available?

  • Run keyword searches in the Source. All results will bring back the most recent assets first. Feel free to be as broad or specific as you like. All metadata is keyword searchable. NOLA codes are also helpful keywords to try.
  • Try Advanced Search. This will allow you to search on various parameters such as date imported, asset type, and content type. To access this feature, click on the search box at the top, then in the dropdown that appears, hit Advanced Search.
  • Browse the featured collections on the homepage. These have the latest priority assets covering the full range of promotional areas.

I can't find an asset what can I do?

The asset might not be available yet, or it is an older asset that we have yet to upload to the Source.

If you know it exists somewhere but can’t find it, feel free to reach out to us by clicking here. We’ll do our best to track it down, and if it’s not in there already, we’ll get it on the Source.

How can I change my password?

Click on the "Forgot your password" link on the Source login page to receive an email that will allow you to customize your password. Please be sure to follow the requirements you will see as a pop up menu when creating your new password.

The site loads slowly.  What should I do?

Please check with your IT staff to ensure the problem isn’t a local issue. Once that is ruled out, please have your IT person contact us at [email protected] and our teams will work together to improve the connection.

Downloads/transcodes are going too slowly or appear stalled.

  1. First, please make sure MFT Transfer Manager is installed on your desktop.
  2. Second, check your Jobs tab to see if the job in question is still in progress.
  3. Third, check your local network connection. If necessary, loop in your IT staff to run some diagnostics.
  4. Once you’ve ruled these out, reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll begin troubleshooting as soon as possible.

Information (Metadata) is missing for an asset.

If there is information that is missing or appears incorrect, please let us know asap by emailing the asset URL to our attention (click the “Share” button with the asset, then “Email Asset URL”, and send message and URL to [email protected]).