Create Events in BV


There is one main section for the Event integration from BV to RL:


  1. Broadview has flagged a schedule event.     





  1. Open BV Environment and go to scheduling tab.
  • Select the Scheduling Tab from BV Main Page.
  • Scheduler is displayed in BV.
  1. Indicate the Date, Channel and No. of Days on the scheduler section.
  • Select the dates for event, type of channel and Number of days to schedule.
  • Date, channel and number of days are displayed on the scheduler section.
  1. Select Program to schedule
  • Schedule the program item on the calendar day.    
  • Selected Program is scheduled.
  1. Select Days flag and set flag to “Publish Internally”.
  • Right click on calendar tab, click on set days flag and set flag on “Publish Internally”. 
  • Event is scheduled and Publish Internally for integration to RL.
  1. Around 30-60 mins, go to RL program item where the event is scheduled and go to associations for ‘Air Date Table’.
  • Select Episode in RL and go to associations and validate the air dates table.
  • Event/air dates ate displayed in RL 


Training Videos - Create events in BV to RL