Please see below for description of the Funding status and how to change the status:

1Active -

When a Funding Info set is initially created and saved, it will be in the “Active” status, it is a default status.

  • Please note that this action cannot be taken unless the Episode/Season is in “Ready for Scheduling” or “Ready External Publish “status in RL.
  • Please also note the underwriter is associated to the Funding record.

2. Inactive –

To deactivate Funding Record if a Catalog on the Deal is cancelled, make sure to check that the Deal / Catalog have been cancelled prior to deactivating Funding Info Record.

Steps to deactivate the Funding Info record set:

  1. Select the Funding Info record sets that you would like to de-activate Click on the hamburger (three lines) menu icon on the top right corner of the Funding Information(combined) section.

3. Error

If the Funding Info record set is in an “Error” status, this means that there are required fields that still need to be entered the set-in order for the Catalog(s) it affects to be accepted into Broadview for scheduling. Please see data dictionary for list of required fields.


 4. Send Metadata Alert :

This is a alert used by IT to send alert notifications to different roles in the group .

5. IT -Find Current Status:

This is a IT status used to check the records current IT status and used for integration process.