Workflow of a Season level Catalog-

Each time you take action on a Catalog workflow, the Catalog’s status will change. These statuses will have downstream implications on how the Catalog gets into Broadview.

  1. When a Catalog is first created, it will be in the “In Progress” status in Rightsline.


  1. Ready for Scheduling –

There are a few prerequisites that need to be met before taking this action:

  1. All required fields for the Catalog must be entered. 
  2. After putting a Catalog in the “Ready for Scheduling” status, a backend process will pull the Catalog record into Broadview. The “PBS Traffic ID” field on the Rightsline Catalog will be populated with Broadview’s unique record ID.


  1. Ready External Publish- (IN BV)

Once the program is ready to be published out to Stations, you can change the “Publish” flag in Broadview on the deal. The backend process will change the Rightsline Catalog record status to be “Ready External Publish”.





Publishing a Catalog in RL:

  1. Change the Catalog status to “Ready External Publish” in Rightsline.
  2. This will turn on the “Publish” flag in Broadview. 


4.Cancelled – 

You may want to cancel a Catalog for several reasons during the programming/ scheduling process.

  1. This action cannot be taken on Catalog unless the Season/Episode is in “Ready for Scheduling” status, or later down the workflow.
  2. Your Catalog record will be in the “Cancelled” status, but the record will continue to exist in Rightsline as an audit trail.


  1. Complete –

You may want to complete a Catalog after all the necessary fields within the Catalog have been entered. This indicates that the record has been completed within the system.

  1. Please note that this action cannot be taken on Catalog unless the Season/Episode is in “Ready for Scheduling” status, or later down the workflow.


  1. Error – 

If the Catalog status is set to an “Error” status, this means that there are required fields that still need to be entered for the Catalog(s) to be accepted into Broadview for scheduling. Please see data dictionary for list of required fields.

Training Video - Catatlog Workflow Status