Set rights 'Inactive' in Rightsline to Broadview.


There are three main sections for the rights deactivation in BV:


  1. Rights record is populated with pbs_traffic_id in RL
  2. Rights Status is set to “active”
  3. Service = 'PBS' and 'PBS Member Station'
  4. Rights are disassociated from Program item in BV when the status is “Inactive” in RL.





  1. Locate the desired deal template and scroll down to the rights section.
  • Search and identify the desired deal template where to Rights records.
  • Desired deal and rights are displayed.
  1. Update the status on the Rights-In Record to “Inactive”
  • Click on the Rights status to update from “Active” to “Inactive”.
  • Rights-in record status is set to Inactive.

3.   Confirm the metadata alert is populated on Rights-In Records.

  • Click in BV and check the rights are disassociated from program item.
  • Rights are disassociated and inactive in BV.