How to Create Fixed Rights in Rightsline to Broadview.


There are five main sections for the rights integration to BV-


  1. Rights Information is entered
  2. Required fields to be populated
  3. Season status is set to “Ready for Scheduling”
  4. Service = 'PBS' and 'PBS Member Station'
  5. Rights Status is set to “Active”
  6. BV Deal lists primary and/or multicast rights.





  1. Locate the desired deal template and scroll down to the rights section.
  • Search and identify the desired deal template where to create Rights records.
  • Desired deal is displayed.
  1. Enter the below required fields on Rights-In Records:
  • Select catalog item
  • Term Start 
  • Term End
  • Exclusivity
  • Media
  • Territory
  • Language
  • Service
  • Type of Play Rule 
  • Unlimited Releases?
  • Number of Airs

Type the values in the required fields on Rights-In Records:

  • Select catalog item- Associate the catalog which the rights are setup for
  • Term Start- The date rights start for a catalog/contract.
  • Term End- The date rights end for a catalog/contract.
  • Exclusivity- Default to "Exclusive"
  • Media
  • Territory
  • Language
  • Service – Select PBS for PBS rights record
  • Type of Play Rule 
  • Unlimited Releases?
  • Number of Airs- It is a conditional Field will be displayed only when unlimited releases field value is "No"

The following fields are displayed on the Rights-In Record-

  • Term Start 
  • Term End
  • Exclusivity
  • Media
  • Territory
  • Language
  • Service
  • Type of Play Rule 
  • Unlimited Releases?
  • Number of Airs
  1. Update the status on the Rights-In Record to “Active”

Click on the Rights status to update from “Pending” to “Active”.

Rights-in record status is set to Active.

4.   Confirm the PBS Traffic        ID is populated on Rights-In Records.

Click in BV and check the rights are created on associated deal /episode.

Rights are created in BV.

5.      When on the rights are active, Update the deal status to “Rights Complete”

Click on the deal status to update from ‘Rights Pending’ to ‘Rights Complete’.

Deal status is set to “Rights Complete”.


For training video go to this link - Create active rights in Rightsline