1.7 Cancel Episode in RL to BV 


There are three main sections for the Episode archived in BV: 


  1. Episode is populated with pbs_traffic_id in RL
  2. Episode status is set to “Ready for Scheduling”.
  3. Episode is archived in BV.





  1. Locate the desired episode.
  • Search and identify the desired episode.
  • Desired episode record is displayed.

2. Update the status on the Episode Record to “Cancelled”

  • Click on the Episode status to update from “Ready for scheduling” to “Cancelled”.
  • Episode status is set to Cancelled.
  1. Metadata alert is populated on Episode with error status and message “This record has associated Manifestations. Please cancel the Manifestations in BV first. Then after 25 mins retry to cancel the Rightsline episode.”
  • Search and identify the episode have metadata alert populated and status error.
  • Metadata alert is 

3. Go to BV and desired package associated with the episode cancelled in RL, set the package status to ‘Cancelled’.

  • Click on the desired package associated with the episode and go to actions, then status and set status to ‘Cancelled’. 
  • The package status is set to “Cancelled”.
  1. After 25 minutes, set the episode status to “Cancelled” again in RL.
  • Click on the episode status to set the status to ‘Cancelled’.
  • Episode is set to Cancelled in RL.

4.  Confirm the metadata alert is updated on Episode and status is updated to “Cancelled”.

  • Click in RL and check the Metadata alert and status is updated on Episode.
  • Updated Metadata alert and status is displayed on the episode in RL.