1.4 Set BV Deal publish flag to true 


There is two ways to publish a deal in BV


First way-


There is two main section for the season published integration from BV to RL:


In RL : 

  1. Season status is set to “Ready for Scheduling”
  2. BV Deal is flagged as "published".





  1. Locate the desired season /OTO in RL .
  • Select the OTO /season in Rightsline .
  • Deal is displayed in RL.
  1. Set Season /OTO in RL from Ready to Scheduling .
  • Set Season /OTO status from Ready to Scheduling to Ready External Publish in RL .
  • Season /OTO status is updated in RL.
  1. After some time , check in BV and flag is published in Season /OTO in BV .
  • Flag is published in program item and deal in Program.
  • Flag is published in BV  


Second Way:


1. Set event to ‘Publish Externally’

2. BV Deal is flagged as “Published”





1. Open BV Environment and go to scheduling tab.

  • Select the Scheduling Tab from BV Main Page.
  • Scheduler is displayed in BV.

2. Select Days flag and set flag to “Publish Internally”.

  • Right click on calendar tab, click on set days flag and set flag on “Publish Externally”. 
  • Event is Publish Externally in BV.

3. Around 30 mins, go to RL season template.

  • Select the season in RL and validate the season status is updated to “Ready External Publishing.”
  • Season status is Externally published in RL.