Check the following if you're unable to push a program offer to the myPBS Member Workplace. 

If the Deal isn't coming up on the Program Offer Push tool

  1. Does the Deal have rights in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  2. Are the rights set to Active in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  3. Do the rights have a pbs_traffic_id in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  4. Are the rights one of the following types? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
    • Television
    • Linear Streaming
      • Linear Streaming -- Non-Commercial
      • Linear Streaming -- Commercial
    • Broadcast
      • Broadcast -- Non-Commercial
      • Broadcast -- Commercial
    • Linear TV -- Pay
    • Linear TV -- Pay Premium
    • Digital Multicast Distribution
  5. Does the Deal have a Status of Rights Complete? If not, correct it in Rightsline.

If you are still unable to push the offer please submit a ticket at

If the Deal is coming up on the Program Offer Push tool but the episode is missing

  1. Is the Episode Status set to “Ready for External Publish” in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  2. Does the Episode have rights in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  3. Are the rights set to Active in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  4. Do the rights have a pbs_traffic_id in Rightsline? If yes go to next. If not, correct it in Rightsline.
  5. Are the rights one of the following types? If not, correct it in Rightsline.
    • Television
    • Linear Streaming
      • Linear Streaming -- Non-Commercial
      • Linear Streaming -- Commercial
    • Broadcast
      • Broadcast -- Non-Commercial
      • Broadcast -- Commercial
    • Linear TV -- Pay
    • Linear TV -- Pay Premium
    • Digital Multicast Distribution

If you are still unable to push the offer please submit a ticket at

If the Program Offer Push Tool is still spinning after more than an hour

  1. Does the Deal have more than 250 episodes? If yes, please submit a ticket at
  2. Does the Deal have less than 250 episodes? Try pushing it again and leave the browser tab open for an hour. If that doesn't work, please submit a ticket at

Related article: Job Aid - Push Program Offer to