1. Check if the Deal has any active Rights and the Rights have an alliant ID associated to it - check the PBS_traffic_id field
  2. If yes, follow the workaround below



Go to Deal tab. Search for Deal by Deal ID or Deal Name & open the corresponding Deal


Remove the Alliant ID from the Rights record. Click the edit button on the Details Section & remove the PBS Alliant ID from the PBS_traffic_id field on the Rights record


Click Save.


Update the 2 fields under the Linear Exhibition Rules Section

    • Go to Rights Tab
    • Click on the Edit button of the Right(s) in question
    • Scroll down to the Linear Exhibition Rules Section
    • Update the 2 fields under the Linear Exhibition Rules Section
    • Click Save.
  • 1. Type of Play Rule

    2. Unlimited Releases?


Set the Rights status to Error


Set Rights to "Active" status:

  • Click on the Check boxes of the Right(s) in Question
  • Click on Bulk Action Icon
  • Click on Bulk Workflow
  • Click on the 'Select Action' Drop down & Select 'Active'
  • Click 'Execute'
7Please check Broadview to confirm.