
When Rightsline launched, rights records were migrated from Alliant into Rightsline.  The rights populated in BroadView by Programming were not migrated into Rightsline.  Alliant and Broadview rights records were not exact matches of one another.  Thusly, when a migrated rights record is updated - the steps below are necessary to void the old Broadview rights record to make room for a new rights record.

Possible reasons to use this Job Aide:

  • Broadview does not have correct rights information.
  • Rightsline has an incorrect release date.
  • The Alliant First Air Date report has an incorrect release date.

Preconditions:  what needs to occur before using this Job Aide: 


  1. The Rightsline Catalog status is set to “Ready for Scheduling” or “Ready External Publish”.
  2. A Rightsline rights in record exists but has 1) the "migrated at launch" checkbox ticked, 2) the PBS Traffic ID field is blank and 3) the rights status is equal to active.







1. Open the Rightsline Deal

  • Locate the affected Rightsline deal
  • Scroll down to the Rights section.
  • Group the rights section by "Template"
  • Scroll down to the section labeled Rights In.
  • The migrated rights in record with television rights has 1) the "migrated at launch" checkbox ticked, 2) the PBS Traffic ID field is blank and 3) the rights status is equal to active.

2.  Update the migrated rights in record. 

  • Change the status of the migrated rights in record from active to error.
  • Confirm that the following fields are populated:
    • Term Start
    • Term End
    • Media
    • Type of Play Rule
    • Unlimited Releases?
    • Number of Airs
  • Click save to save the Rights-In record.
  • Revert the status back to active.
  • The new Rights-in record is created in BV.

3.   Confirm a new rights record is created in BV.

  • Reopen the Rights In record
  • Confirm the PBS Traffic ID is populated.
  • (Optional) Open the BV Program Item to confirm the new rights record(s) are created.
  • New Rights are created in BV.

4. Void the old BV rights record.

  • Rights administrator must create a support ticket – with RL deal id and episode id so that the old BV rights record is voided.
  • IT Service Desk nullifies the data within the old BV rights record.