When rights are copied  & already active with a PBS_Traffic_ID (Broadview ID) & you do not remove  PBS_Traffic_ID, it will carry over to the new rights record and the newly created rights will not go to BV.   To resolve this you will follow the following steps.





1. Locate the desired deal template

  • Go to RL & searched for the Deal by the Deal ID. 
  • Desired deal is displayed

2. Identify the new Rights in record.

  • Scroll down to the Rights record section
  • It will have "New-- New-- and the original Rights In ID in the subject line" 

3. Delete the Broadview IDs out of the PBS_Traffic_ID fields for the new created rights.

  • Click on the pencil (edit) of the copied rights 
  • Scroll to the PBS_Traffic_ID field
  • Delete the Broadview ID out of this field
  • Click Save
  • PBS_Traffic_ID field will be empty
4. Delete any Metadata Alert text for the newly created rights.
  • Click on the pencil (edit) of the copied rights 
  • Scroll to the Metadata Alert field
  • Delete any text
  • Click Save

  • Metadata Alert field will be empty

Save the Change
  • Click Save.
PBS_Traffic_ID Field will be deleted.
Set the "Rights In" Status to "Active"
  • Scroll to the Rights Section
  • Check the box of the Copied Rights record 
  • Select service = 'PBS' and 'PBS Member Station'.
  • Click on the "Bulk Action" Button 
  • Select "Bulk Workflow"
  • Click on "Select Action" dropdown
  • Select "Active"
  • Click Execute
This will set the Copied Rights Record now to Active which will trigger the creation of the Rights to BV & BV will send back a BV ID to RL that will fill the PBS_Traffic_ID field.