Creating a Deal

1. Login to RL 

2. On the Deal module, create PBS PAA-1 or PBS Production & Acquisition Deal

3. Enter the required highlighted fields on the Deal template:

Name(you can enter the Deal Title)
Programming ServicePBS Fundraising Program (FRP)
PBS Alliant ID(you can enter the PBS Alliant ID of the Deal)

4. Now click Save on the Deal template

5. After that associate contacts and click Done

Setting up the Catalog

6. Now save and go to the Associations page on the Deal template

7.    Click on the Catalog Items + sign

8. Choose the catalog item to be created and click to create OTO

9. On the OTO template, select Auto-Create Child Catalog Items. (Important Step)

10. On the OTO template, fill in the required highlighted fields


Sort Friendly Title

(you can enter any value)
PBS Release Title(you can enter any value)
Title LanguageEnglish
Referent Type

Can be TV or Shorts 
PBS Reporting Category (Primary)(you can Select any value)
PBS Synopsis Short(you can enter any value)
Country of Origin(you can Select any value)
Approx. Length(you can enter any value)
PBS NOLA Root(you can enter any value)
Edit UseBroadcast
Edit ClassPledge
Default TerritoryUS
Director(you can enter any value)
Producer(you can enter any value)

11. After all the data is entered, now click on the Save button

12. Now associate contacts on the OTO template and click Done

Setting up the Child Catalog Items i.e. OTO and PBS Edit

13. Now on select the child catalog items for the OTO, like PBS Edit and how many, and click Done

14. Now you can edit information on the PBS Edit template if needed. 

15. After that on the OTO template, change status to ‘Ready for Scheduling’

16. Now go to the Deal template and change the Deal status to ‘Ready for Rights’

17. After OTO gets a pbs_traffic_id and the rights are set up, go ahead and schedule events in BV for the OTO if the slots are available.

18. Right-click on the calendar day 

19. Set day flag to Publish Internally and Externally  

20. Now the OTO will be published in BV.

21. The catalog status will be changed to ‘Ready External Publish’ in RL.

Workaround if you Didn't Select Auto-Create Child Catalog Items

If you missed Step 9 to click on select Auto-Create Child Catalog Items, please do these steps after Step 13:

1. Go to Catalog and search for the one you created, by clicking on Mine Only 

2. Now select the OTO where you want to create a PBS Edit.

3. On the OTO template, go to associations tab and click on + 

4. Then click on + and select PBS Edit template to create 

5. Fill out the required fields on PBS Edit Template

TemplatePBS Edit
Sort Friendly Title(you can enter any value)
Edit UseBroadcast
Edit ClassPledge
Default TerritoryUS

6. Click Create

7. To get all the OTO fields to sync down to the PBS Edit template, go back to the OTO and Details tab

8. In the Details section, click on this field

9. Select on the option to Sync All Fields and click on Select 

10. If any message appears, select OK

11. After that on the OTO template, change the status to ‘Ready for Scheduling’

12.    Now go to the Deal template and change the Deal status to ‘Ready for Rights’