Table of Contents



Section 1: Rightsline Email Notification & Password Reset: 3

Section 2: Logging in to the Portal: 4


SECTION 4: Topic 1 - Deals. 6

Section 4: Topic 2 – Deal Template Filter: 7

Section 4: Topic 3 – Deal Status Filter: 8

Section 4: Topic 4 – Deal Record Page Layout: 9

Section 5: Topic 1- Catalogs. 10

Section 5: Topic 2 - Catalog (Program) Hierarchy. 11

Section 5: Topic 3 – Catalog Templates. 12

Section 5: Topic 4 – Catalog Statuses: 13

Section 5: Topic 5 – Catalog Record Page Layout: 14

Section 6: Topic 1 - Funding Information (Combined) 15

Section 6: Topic 2 - Funding Information (Combined) Status. 16



Section 1: Rightsline Email Notification & Password Reset:



If you do not have an account with the Partner Portal, please contact your PBS

Programming Representative to create an account.


Once a PBS Rightsline Admin has created an account for you, you will receive a

Password Reset Email. The email should look like this:




Click on the “Reset Password” button to access your Partner Portal account. 


Once you have reset your password, you will be able to access your account through this link.


Section 2: Logging in to the Portal:


  1. Once you have reset your password, you will receive an email from Rightsline prompting you to change your password. Input the desired password to login.


  1. In future cases, please login through the login page by entering your email and password.


  1. The login page link is below






Home Page:


Upon logging into the Partner Portal, you will be led to the home page.


Your Account:


You can navigate to your account through the welcome link on the top right corner of the page or edit your account information through the “My Account” tab highlighted below. 



















SECTION 4: Topic 1 - Deals


You can access all the PBS Deals by clicking on the buttons highlighted below.



Upon clicking into Deals, you can navigate to the Deal record that you would like to access. The search bar and filter at the top of the page will allow you to search for the exact deal you are looking for.




The search bar can be used to conduct a simple Boolean search for the Deal name.


Section 4: Topic 2 – Deal Template Filter: 


The All Templates filter can be used to filter for the type of deal record you are looking for.


The two types of Deal templates you can see are below:



  1. PBS Production & Acquisition Deals are regular Deals that are executed by a signed contract.


  1. PBS PAA-1 Deals (in which there is no formally executed contract).
  • This is effectively a replacement for the current PAA process in Orion.




























Section 4: Topic 3 – Deal Status Filter:



The Status filter can be used to filter for the status of the program record you are looking for. Please see status definitions below:


  • Ready for Rights:
  1. This Deal record has been created, and information is currently being.

collected to flesh out the record.

  • The contract may or may not have been executed at this time.


  • Rights Pending:
  1. PBS Rights / Legal is in the process of entering Rights information into the Deal record.
  • The contract may or may not have been executed at this time.


  • Rights Complete:
  1. PBS Rights / Legal has entered all Rights information into the Deal record,

   and they have been legally activated through one of the following:

  • An executed Right to Use memo via the Producer Rights Form
  • An executed contract. The contract may or may not have been executed at this time.


  • Deal Complete:
  1. The Contract has been executed and attached as a file on the Deal


  1. All Deal deliverables have been delivered to and approved by PBS.
  2. All Catalogs (programs) and their respective deliverables have been

delivered to and approved by PBS.


  • Deal Expired:
  1. The Deal term dates have passed and the Deal is no longer active.


  • In Revision:
  1. The Deal has been completed and / or expired, but metadata within the Deal must be updated.




Section 4: Topic 4 – Deal Record Page Layout:


Upon clicking into your desired Deal, you will be able to browse the metadata entered for that record.

  • Parties indicate any external PBS partners that are party to the Deal.
  • Details includes metadata regarding the Deal itself.
  • Catalog Items contain links to any programs that were offered through the Deal.
  • You can access them by clicking on the Catalog name.
  • Tables may include funding information from the Deal.
  • Files will include any attachments that have been uploaded to a Deal.










Section 5: Topic 1- Catalogs



You can access any Catalogs that you are involved with by clicking on the buttons highlighted below.























Section 5: Topic 2 - Catalog (Program) Hierarchy



Catalogs in Rightsline represent programs, based on the Catalog hierarchy below.





Upon clicking into Catalogs, you can navigate to the program that you would like to access. The search bar and filter at the top of the page will allow you to search for the exact program you are looking for.






The search bar can be used to conduct a simple Boolean search for the program name.






Section 5: Topic 3 – Catalog Templates


Template Types: 


The All Templates filter can be used to filter for the type of program record you are looking for. For a description of Catalog hierarchy to aid you in using your filter, please see above for the Catalog Hierarchy.






























Section 5: Topic 4 – Catalog Statuses:



The Status filter can be used to filter for the status of the program record you are looking for. 


Please see catalog status definitions below:


In Progress:

○ This program record has been created, and information is currently being

collected to flesh out the record.


Ready for Scheduling:

○ This program record been scheduled in PBS’s scheduling system.


Ready External Publish:

○ This program record has been updated to include more program

information (e.g., Program Summary). If a program is in this status, it


■ The program is in the process of being published in MyPBS and the

Program Offer is being created to be sent out externally.

















Section 5: Topic 5 – Catalog Record Page Layout:


Upon clicking into your desired Catalog, you will be able to browse the metadata

entered for that program record.




Related content / programs will appear under the program metadata.









Section 6: Topic 1 - Funding Information (Combined)


The S&P Funding Team will create a Table within the Deal record once funding information has been provided by Producers through Jobs in the Producer Portal.


Underwriting Names are displayed on the top section of the deal under contacts.



Funding Information on the deal template under Tables section.


Section 6: Topic 2 - Funding Information (Combined) Status


Please see below for description of the Funding status and how to change the status:


  1. Pending -When a Funding Info set is initially created and saved, it will be in the “Pending” status.


  1. Active – When all the required data is entered in the Funding Info record, it is set to Active, so it can be created in downstream systems. 


  1. Inactive – The funding record is deactivated.