When new episodes are created & associated to a existing published season and new deal is created. 

To resolve this you will follow the following steps.





1. Locate the desired deal template

  • Go to RL & searched for the Deal by the Deal ID. 
  • Desired deal is displayed
2. Locate the deal in Mbank.
  • Go to Mbank and search for deal ,to make sure its new.
  • Deal is not displayed in Mbank.
3. Locate the season in Mbank.
  • Go to Mbank and search if the season existed and published .
  • Season is published in Mbank.
4. Identify all the new episodes in Rightsline .
  • Scroll to all the episodes and check if it has pbs_traffic_id.
  • PBS_Traffic_ID field is empty in all the new episodes.
5. Locate all the new episodes in Mbank.
  • Go to Mbank and check if the episodes are created and have pbs_traffic_id or not.
  • Episode are not created in Mbank.
6.Go to BV.
  • Go to BV and create the deal .
  • Deal is created in BV.
7. Go to Mbank .
  • Go to Mbank and create policy ,register BV ID and RL ID on the deal.
  • Deal is created in Mbank.
8. Register pbs_traffic_id on the deal in RL.
  • Click on the pencil (edit) of the deal.
  • Scroll to the PBS_Traffic_ID field
  • Add the Broadview ID on this field
  • Click Save
  • PBS_Traffic_ID field is populated.

9. Set each episode to Read for external publishing in RL.

  • Scroll to the Episodes and set each episode to Ready for External Publishing.
  • Episodes are set for ready external publishing.