UX 2.0 Links



UX 2.0 URL – https://beta.rightsline.com/


Demo Recording - https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/5b94a0d0-f584-44f4-820a-c97e8f9b814c


Section 1: Customizable Home Page


  • Customize your Home Page Dashboard widgets
  • Drag and drop the widgets to different positions on the page.
  • The Deal Status widget displays Records per Deal Template and Status
  • Customize the 4 Deal Template Pie charts
  • Add Report Builder reports onto the Home Page.



  • The Deal widget displays Status counts for up to four Templates.






  • You can customize the deal templates.
  • By selecting your deal templates and click on ‘Apply’.


Section 2: Module List Pages


  • The list page for each Module has all the functionality you know from the Rightsline Classic App, but with some new and improved flows.
  • Icons have moved and some actions are taken in different ways, but this guide will walk you through everything that has changed.





  • The new list page allows you to search for a record easily with basic search (1) or advanced search (2), which has a new flow.


  • You can still easily select "mine only" (3) for a list of all records you created or are associated with.


  • You can filter by all templates (4) or by a specific template from the dropdown.


  • The Custom Views (5) icon available on all list pages and grids. 


  • The hamburger menu on the far right is where you can delete records, export your list, or perform other bulk operations (6).




Advanced Search:



When clicking "advanced search" there is now a dropdown that shows you all of your saved searches. If you do not have any saved searches, you can create a new one by selecting the white plus icon.





  • Select the Module and Characteristic you want to filter by and choose between "is greater than" "is less than" "is equal to" "is not equal to" depending on your needs. Based on the Field Type you can add a date, a number, or text for your filter.


  • Add as many filters as you want and select "Display on Dashboard". Be sure to name your search, and press Apply.




After that, your saved search will appear in the dropdown.



Hovering over the search name will cause the edit and delete icons to appear, if you need to modify or delete your saved search.



List Page Actions:


The hamburger menu for list page actions is now to the right of the Views icon.


Clicking it brings a dropdown with three options. The furthest right tab (three dots) allows you to Export the list you have got on the page, whether it's a filtered list or the complete list of records in that Module.


You can also perform bulk operations here, like deletion.














Section 3: Adjustable Side Panel (UX2)


When navigating to a record page, the Side Panel appears on the right. Selecting the arrow will expand the panel. 


The width of the expanded panel is adjustable as well. Drag left to expand width



A clock icon denotes the record's Audit History: any actions or changes made on the Deal. You can search for all actions/changes in a specific time period, or simply look for a specific type of action (for instance, Rights-related). 



Audit History here now indicates the duration the record was in a particular Status.

Click the eyeball icon to preview data about associated records. 



Section 4: Conflicts & Validations



Validation issues, Financial warnings, and Rights Conflicts display more clearly now, and in separate tabs.


You can even select Rights-related Conflicts and switch them between statuses that do or do not block users from taking a Workflow Action on the Deal.



A validation error is not a bug or a problem in the Rightsline system.


Your record is missing information that is required to perform actions. Clicking on the yellow exclamation point icon will bring up a list of the information required in order to move forward.











Section 5: Module Icons




Module icons have been updated in UX 2