In this scenario:

  1. Clean up is needed for a Deal and Catalog association where the Catalog Item was initially set up with its own Deal and Alliant # in RL
  2. Rights and funding have already been created in RL and BV
  3. The Catalog Item should now be considered part of another Deal instead





1. Submit a ticket on the Support Portal letting the Service Desk know which Deals and Catalog associations need to be cleaned up

  • Ticket is submitted with Deals, Catalog ID(s), and other information on what needs to be cleaned up
2. Once the Service Desk has confirmed they've completed their steps, you will need to create new rights under the new Deal in RL and associate the rights to the episode(s)
  • Create new rights under the new Deal in RL and associate the rights to the episode(s)
  • New rights are created under the new Deal in RL and they are associated to the episode(s)

3. After you've set up the new rights, let the Service Desk know so they can check that data is flowing correctly downstream

  • Follow up on the ticket that you've completed Step 2
  • Updates are sent on the ticket that you've completed your steps
4. The Service Desk will confirm if the data is correct downstream and will archive the old Deal in RL, BV, and other downstream systems
  • Service Desk will confirm if the data is correct downstream
  • Service Desk will follow up to let you know if the data is correct downstream