• PBSDS Talent Agreement : This is a agreement where the Talent shall render services to Producer as a non-camera host and writer for the Series.

PBSDS Talent Agreement Template_as of 8.10.20.docx
13 Apr 2021, 11:52 AM
  • PBSDS License Agreement : This is a agreement when Producer agrees to deliver to PBS the Existing and New Programs (each, a “Program” and collectively, the “Programs”),Also whenPBS desires to license certain rights to the Existing Programs and certain new programs (“New Programs”) of the Series from Producer as more fully set forth.


  • PBSDS WFH Agreement : This is a agreement where PBS hereby engages Producer, as an independent contractor and on a work-for-hire basis.


  • PBSDS Contract Term Sheet: Agreement type with all the contract and term details for the upcoming series and episodes.


  • PBSDS Quick License Agreement

  • PBSDS Pilot Agreement