Resolve rights that have been set up "Relative to Catalog" with Math Dates that do not have End Dates even though we have Release Dates for them. 


- Rights have been set up "Relative to Catalog" with Math Dates, but End Dates have not been calculated even though there are Release Dates for them

- When Date Math is opened, it says Details > "undefined"

Option 1: Customer adds the calculation again if the system says TBD on the episodes that there are Release Dates forCustomer adds the calculations again if the system says TBD for the episodes there are Release Dates forEnd Dates get generated on the rights
Option 2: Customer creates new rights and deletes the old ones as long as they have not been set to Active yetCustomer creates new rights and deletes the old ones as long as the old rights have not been set to Active yetEnd Dates get generated on the rights