Set rights 'Inactive' in Rightsline to Mbank.


There are three main sections for the rights deactivation in Mbank:


  1. Rights record is populated with Enterprise Metadata UID in RL
  2. Rights Status is set to “active”
  3. Service = 'PBS' ,'PBS Member Station' ,PBS Digital Studio , PBS FRP , PBS Member Station -PDP.
  4. Rights are disassociated from Program item in Mbank when the status is “Inactive” in RL.





  1. Locate the desired deal template and scroll down to the rights section.
  • Search and identify the desired deal template where to Rights records.
  • Desired deal and rights are displayed.
  1. Update the status on the Rights-In Record to “Inactive”
  • Click on the Rights status to update from “Active” to “Inactive”.
  • Rights-in record status is set to Inactive.

3.   Confirm the metadata alert is populated on Rights-In Records.

  • Click in Mbank and check the rights are disassociated from program item and rights are deleted from Policy level.
  • Rights are disassociated and deleted in Mbank.