Conflict Check will indicate one of the following reasons for Conflict in the Issue column:

A Catalog Item will not have more than one conflict for a given window, dimension set, and exclusivity group. There will be one type of conflict that will be the dominate conflict to be resolved. If, after resolving the conflict, another conflict exists, it will present itself in the Conflict modal.


No Rights In :

The Catalog Item has no full availability for the specified Rights Out. The dates and dimensions representing where there are no Rights In will be displayed.



Rights Out Overlap:

The Catalog Item or any of its children/descendants has two overlapping Rights Out (Start/End Dates, dimensions, and exclusivity). The overlapping term and dimension parameters are displayed.



Rights Out Overlap Scenarios:

Below are some common examples of scenarios in which the “Rights Out Overlap” Conflict Type will be generated.

  • Scenario 1: Overlap for Term -

A conflict can occur when there are Rights Out whose term overlaps by at least one day. In the below example, the Catalog Item has been sold in a previous deal from June 1-Jun 30, 2017. Therefore, trying to sell the Catalog item on a second deal from June 15-Jun 30, 2017 will produce an Overlap error.


  • Scenario 2: Overlap for Dimension -

A conflict can occur when there are Rights Out whose Media, Territory, Language, or 4th Dimension (if enabled) overlaps with the same combination of dimension values on another Rights Out. The conflict validation modal will explain which Catalog item, dimensions, and Deal records are involved in the overlap in order to quickly assist with research and allow users to resolve the problems.




No Exclusive Rights In :

The Catalog Item has availability to cover the specified exclusive Rights Out, but it is not exclusive. The term and dimensions of the Rights Out are displayed since there is no Rights In.

No Exclusive Rights In Scenarios:

Below are some common examples of scenarios in which the “No Exclusive Rights In” Conflict Type will be generated.

  • Scenario 1: Exclusivity Dominance -

If you place Rights Out exclusively against a Catalog Item via a Deal, you must have an exclusive Rights In that provides overlapping availability. A conflict occurs when there are exclusive Rights Out but only non-exclusive availability for that combination of dimensions during a term.


Example of Exclusive Rights Out