Create Compilation in RL to Mbank


There are four main sections for the rights integration to Mbank-


  1. Compilation Information is entered
  2. Required fields to be populated
  3. Compilation status is set to “Ready for Scheduling”
  4. Compilation records are associated with Supplemental or episode, season, or OTO.


Compilation records are pledge breaks which will be created in Broadview as episode category =Compilation.


Compilation record is pledge drives, which will help compile list of episodes with their drives.





1.Go to the catalog module and click onsign.

  • On the catalog,
  • Select Compilation 

From the dropdown

  • Desired record is selected to be created.

2.Enter the below required fields on Compilation Records:

  • Sort-Friendly Title
  • PBS Release Title
  • Compilation Class

Type the values in the required fields on Rights-In Records:

  • Sort-Friendly Title- The series title with article at the end
  • PBS Release Title – Title which flow down to BV
  • Compilation Class-

Numerical characters that make up complete NOLA code identifier for broadcast.

Click ‘Create’ after adding the fields.


The following fields are displayed on the Compilation Records -

  • Sort-Friendly Title
  • PBS Release Title
  • Compilation Class


3. Update the status on the Compilation Record to “Ready for Scheduling”

Click on the Compilation status to update from “In Progress” to “Ready for Scheduling”.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Compilation record status is set to Ready for Scheduling.

4. Go to Related catalog items, to associate catalogs.

Associate episodes, OTO’s, pledger breaks to a Compilation. 

Catalogs are associated to a compilation.

5.     Confirm the Enterprise Metadata UID is populated on Compilation Records.

Compilation is created in Mbank and Enterprise Metadata UID is populated.

Compilation record is created in BV.