1.1 Create Supplemental in RL to BV 


There are four main sections for the rights integration to BV-


  1. Supplemental Information is entered
  2. Required fields to be populated
  3. Supplemental status is set to “Ready for Scheduling”
  4. Supplemental records are associated with episodes with edit class = Pledge


Supplemental records are pledge breaks which will be created in Broadview as episode category =Supplemental.





1. Go to the catalog and click onsign.

  • On the catalog, choose 
  • Select Supplemental 

From the dropdown

  • Supplemental record is selected to be created.

2. Enter the below required fields on Supplemental Records:

  • Sort-Friendly Title
  • PBS Release Title
  • Referent Type
  • PBS Reporting Category (Primary)
  • Approx. Length
  • PBS NOLA Root
  • PBS NOLA Code
  • Edit Use
  • Edit Class


Type the values in the required fields on Rights-In Records:

  • Sort-Friendly Title- The series title with article at the end
  • PBS Release Title – Title which flow down to BV
  • Referent Type - Indicate for TV or Web
  • PBS Reporting Category (Primary)- PBS's primary genre
  • Approx. Length-

Approximation of the episode's total run time

  • PBS NOLA Root-

Alpha Characters that make up complete NOLA code identifier for broadcast

  • PBS NOLA Code-

Numerical characters that make up complete NOLA code identifier for broadcast.

  • Edit Use- Type of Edit (i.e. US broadcast, UK Version, Theatrical)
  • Edit Class-The purpose of the edit

Click ‘Save’ after adding the fields.


The following fields are displayed on the Supplemental Records -

  • Sort-Friendly Title
  • PBS Release Title
  • Referent Type
  • PBS Reporting Category (Primary)
  • Approx. Length
  • PBS NOLA Root
  • PBS NOLA Code
  • Edit Use
  • Edit Class


3.Now Associate a season or episode or OTO to a Supplemental.Click on Related Catalog and Add Association
Add association is selected.
4. Choose correct association for Supplemental
Just Make Sure - Associated Catalog have EDIT CLASS = PLEDGE
Associate as a Parent
Select which season or OTO or episode
and SAVE

The catalog is associated to a Supplemental record.

3. Update the status on the Supplemental Record to “Ready for Scheduling”

Click on the Supplemental status to update from “In Progress” to “Ready for Scheduling”.

Supplemental record status is set to Ready for Scheduling.

4.     Confirm the PBS Traffic           ID is populated on Supplemental Records.

Click in BV and check the episode is with episode category as Supplemental.


Supplemental record is created in BV.