Export Program premiere dates report as per time range from Rightsline.



  • Rightsline Account and access to Reporting Module.




1.Locate the Rightsline Reporting module.

  • Login to Rightsline and on the left side, click on 'Reporting'.

  • Reporting module is displayed.

2. Locate the desired report section.

  • Click on Report Builder

  • Report Builder is displayed.
3. Locate the Program premiere report.
  • Search for 'Catalog Items with First broadcast date' report and select that report.
  • Desired report is displayed.
4.Desired date range is selected.
  • Select the time range on the first broadcast date field in the report and 'Apply Filter'.

Like this - 

  • Report is displayed as per date range.
5. Email the report as desired.Click on Email
Add the email as desired, select as attachment and send
  • Report is sent to the user.
6. Export the report as csv or excel.Click on Export.

Choose the format you like the report to be
  • Report will be exported.