 - PBS Deal is in created

- Catalogs are created in RL


These are the steps for this scenario:

  1. Deal and Catalog Information is entered.
  2. Required fields to be populated.
  3. Catalog (episode) is associated to series, season container and season. 
  4. PBS deals have season associated.



1. Open the desired deal.

  • On the home page, click on Deal Module.
  • On the search bar, Type the desired deal title.
  • Click Enter.

Choose the correct template by name.

Desired Deal Summary screen displays.


2. Open the desired catalog (season /OTO).

  • On the desired deal.
  • Go to Catalog Tab.
  • Check for Season /OTO associations.
  • Click on Season record.


Desired Catalog Summary screen displays.

3.Select 'Create New Catalog Item’.


  • On the desired catalog record.
  • Go to the Related Catalog Tab.
  • Click on + sign.
  • Select Create 'New Catalog Item’.
  •  Make sure check as a Child and choose Supplemental as a template.





4. Create a Supplemental Record.


Enter the values in required /desired fields:

  • Sort-Friendly Title- The supplemental title with article at the end.
  • PBS Release Title- The full supplemental title with article at the beginning
  • Referent Type – If the content is Interactive which is games/bonus data.
  • Episode Number- Number of the episode
  • Title Language- defaults to English, or the language show is premiered on.5.
  • PBS Reporting Category (Primary)- PBS's primary genre
  • Country of Origin-Default The country.
  • Approx. Length-Approximation of the episode's total run time
  • PBS NOLA Root-Alpha Characters that make up complete NOLA code identifier for broadcast.
  • PBS NOLA Code-Numerical characters that make up complete. 
  • Edit Use- Type of Edit (i.e. US broadcast, UK Version, Theatrical)
  • Edit Class-The purpose of the edit.
  • Edit Class - The purpose of Edit.
  • Edit Use - Type of Edit (i.e. Broadcast or Web) you will choose Web.

5. Now Click 'Save '.

 6. Check if Interactive rights are created and make sure its associated to this catalog.

  • Scroll down on the Catalog record.
  • Check if rights are created with Media = 'Mobile Apps/Interactive '
  • You can also click on the eye icon to view full details of the rights .