Push Program Offer


There are three main sections for the Push Program Offer to myPBS.org: 


1. User needs myPBS account

2. User need to have access to myPBS workarea 

3. Deal should be associated to the episode/s in Rightsline before Pushing to mypbs.org and should have active Rights

4. The episode/s should have pbs_traffic_id and should be available in BV

For more on what's required in Rightsline in order to push Program Offer please check this knowledge base article: https://support.pbs.org/support/solutions/articles/9000191533-unable-to-push-a-program-offer-check-these-areas 





  1. Login to http://mypbs.org/
  • Login to desired test my pbs.org environment
  1. Open your pull-out menu drawer by clicking on your user avatar and click on apps menu for Push Program Offer.
  • Click Apps menu to expand sub-menu’s and click Push Program Offer (PBS) menu
  • Push Program Offer page is displayed.
  1. Enter Rightsline Deal ID            on the search box 
  • Type the RL Deal ID on the search box.
  • Entered Deal ID will be displayed.
  1. Select on Push on myPBS button.
  • Click on Push on myPBS button.
  • Success message will be displayed “This title has been pushed successfully”
  • If you are part of the Programming and need to approved the deal, please follow these steps
  1. In new browser tab login to http://mypbs.org/workarea/workarea.aspx
  • Login to desired login.
  1. Open the PBS Offers folder using the following path: Expand to e > Programming > Offers > PBS Offers folder
  • Click on to the following path:  e > Programming > Offers > PBS Offers folder
  • PBS Offers folder is displayed
  1. Select on Date Modified column by descending, so that pushed title can be displayed.
  • Click on Date Modified column and sort by descending. So that user pushed title should display on top. Verify Status displays as “S”
  • The title is displayed with verify status displayed as “S”
  1. Select Reports Menu for approval list -expand contents folder> select eApprovals and navigate to last page.
  • Click on Reports Menu for the for-Approval list - Expand Contents folder > Click eApprovals and navigate to last page.
  • The content awaiting approval is displayed on the report’s menu.
  1. Verify the user pushed Program title is displayed. And select to publish the deal.
  • Search the program title pushed by the user and publish the deal.
  • The pushed program title is published to program offers.
  1. Select Contents menu on top and expand to e > Programming > Offers > PBS Offers folder, select Date Modified to sort column descending, select the Program Status displays as “A” after publishing
  • Click Contents menu on top and expand to e > Programming > Offers > PBS Offers folder, Click Date Modified to sort column descending, verify the Program Status displays as “A” after publishing
  • The selected program item status is displayed as “A”.
  1. Once submitted, wait for the approval of the deal. Users will also receive the notification once the deal is approved.
  • Wait for the notification after the deal is approved.
  • Notification is received after the deal is approved.

12. Go over to myPBS browser tab, hover mouse to Programming menu > Program Offers and click All Program Offers

  • Click to myPBS browser tab, select Programming menu > Program Offers and select All Program Offers
  • On the myPBS browser in the programming menu, All Program offers page is displayed.

13. Select the User pushed title on the Program Offer table

  • Type the pushed title on the Program Offer Table.
  • Pushed title is displayed on the Program Offer Table.

14. Select view button to check the program offer details

  • Click on the view button to verify the program offer details.
  • Program offer details are displayed.

15. Select and Expand Rights menu, check Rights content.

  • Expand Rights menu and verify Rights content.
  • Rights content is displayed

16.Select and Expand Prohibition menu, check Prohibition content.

  • Click and expand prohibition menu and verify Prohibition content.
  • Prohibition content is displayed.

17.Select and Expand Funding menu, check Funding content.

  • Click Expand Funding menu and verify Funding content.
  • Funding content is displayed


Training Videos - Push Program Offer