Rights are sharing a pbs_traffic_id with another set of rights

In the event you've copied Active rights with an existing pbs_traffic_id and did not remove the pbs_traffic_id before setting them to Active, they will not go to BV.  Please follow the below job aid to resolve this.

Related article: Job Aid - Copying Active rights with existing pbs_traffic_id https://support.pbs.org/support/solutions/articles/9000194819-job-aid-copying-active-rights-with-existing-pbs-traffic-id

Copied migrated rights

In the event the newly created rights were copied from previously migrated rights and they are Active in RL but not in BV: 

  1. Check that you removed the checkmark from the "PBS Migrated at Launch" field and deleted the Alliant ID from the newly created rights. If not, update in RL.
  2. After updating those fields, set the rights to error and then back to Active. 
  3. A pbs_traffic_id should be added to the newly created rights. If not, open a ticket on the Support Portal: https://support.pbs.org/support/home